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Crystal Squid Support

Helping you to play games since 2003!


Browser Compatibility

Support Home > Web Site Problems > Browser Compatibility
While every effort has been made to ensure this site works well with as many modern browsers as possible, there is always the possibility of some browser not displaying it as it should do.

This site makes extensive use of 'Cascading Style Sheets' (CSS), Embedded Frames (iframes), and Javascript, so if your browser does not support these then the site will probably look a bit messy!

Best Browsers

These are the browsers which have been tested and display the site & all the games in the way it was intended:

Microsoft Internet Explorer v8.x
Microsoft Internet Explorer v7.x
Mozilla Firefox v3.x
Google Chrome

If you are using one of these browsers or a newer version, and still have a problem, please contact us with as much detail as possible.

Please note: We no longer support Windows 98/ME or Internet Explorer 6

If you are using an older browser, we cannot guarantee what the site will look like, and the fix is the same for everyone:

Please make sure to upgrade your browser to the latest version!

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